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Controversial miscellaneous issues related to Islam

Right of Protection of Honor

The honor of a non Muslim is sacred in Islam, just like that of Muslims. Defamation is prohibited, whether for a Muslim or a non-Muslim.

The Hanafi school states that: “It is incumbent upon Muslims to abstain from harming non-Muslims. It is forbidden to slander them, just as it is forbidden to slander Muslims."

The famous scholar Ibn Abdin states: By virtue of the pact of dhimma, they have the same rights which we have. The slander of Muslims is prohibited, as is the slander of non-Muslims. It is even said that the sin of annoying a non Muslim is greater (see Ad-Durr Al-Mukhtar, vol. III).

Imam Al-Qarafi Al-Maliki once said on this note, “He who transgresses against them (Dhimmis)—even with a mere word of injustice or backtalk— has jeopardized the covenant with Allah and His Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and the covenant of the religion of Islam" (Al-Furuq Part 3, p. 14).