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Prophecies in the Old and New Testament
regarding the advent of Prophet Muhammad

Evidences for the Prophet hood of Muhammad God’s blessing and peace be upon him

Anyone who objectively contemplates the life story of Muhammad, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, from birth to mission, and from mission to death, and ponders over his line of descent, his native town, and what happened to him and to his nation, will rest assured about the truthfulness of this man and his mission. This is because he, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, had privileges which are granted to no one except to a prophet. These privileges are of three kinds: privileges in his person, his own attributes, and others pertaining neither to his character nor to his attributes.

1. His personal privileges include the following:
(a) His dignified line of descent. He was one of the Arabs with the most dignified line of descent. He belonged to the tribe of Quraysh, the core of the offspring of Isma’il, son of Ibrahim, whose descendants Allah graced with prophet hood and the revealed Book.

(b) The seal of prophet hood which Allah has made between his shoulders, thus distinguishing him from all others. This was mentioned in the previous Glorious Books and made a distinctive mark for him.

(c) What was seen about his physical appearance that indicated his prophet hood and truthfulness. There appear on the face of a truthful, honest man distinctive traits of glamour and light. The appearance of the Messenger of Allah, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, imparted trust and tranquility even to his opponents.

2- His attributes included:
His praise-worthy morals, as well as other noble qualities and perfect demeanor stemming from the inner self represented by mercy, modesty, tenderness, and patience in calling people to Islam, despite all the tactics of allurements and threat his kinsfolk as well as his enemies resorted to.

Although illusions and religious enmities stood in the way of an authentic scholarly study of the greatness of this man, his life-story could penetrate the spirit of many researchers who acknowledged his greatness, and upheld him in high esteem and admiration. His advocates and opponents alike unanimously agree that he was unique in his character and manners.

3- others pertaining neither to his character nor to his attribute:
Apart from his personal character, his other attributes are abundant and various. They are not confined to his life span; some of them took place before he was born, some during his life-time, and others after his death. These include the following:
(a). The signs and miracles which Allah has endowed him with. These are of two kinds:
(1) Those that belong to the past and became known through uninterrupted handed down evidences or through well attested sources. These are his physical miracles, such as inanimate objects speaking to him and their responding to his commands, blessed increase in food and drink, the splitting of the moon, and the like.

(2) Those which still exist. These are the moral or mental evidences of his prophet hood. The greatest of these is the Ever Glorious Qur’an which Allah revealed to him, and was made orally known to people through him.

(b) His foretelling of the Unseen:
He, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, told of many various unknown events, which no one can know except through Allah’s teaching. These unseen events are of two kinds:
(1) Those preceding his life-time. This is telling about unknown past events, such as the stories and parables which Allah mentions in the Qur’an or which the Prophet narrated to his companions.

(2) Those not preceding his life-time. These include his telling about unknown events which he and his companions did not witness during his life-time. These also include foreseeing future events. He told about incidents that would take place in future, some of which occurred during his life-time, or after his death, and which were seen by his companions in exactly the same way he prophesied. These also include some which have not taken place yet and which Muslims are awaiting such as the conquest of Rome and the great sweeping victory over the Jews, etc. These also include some events which he told us about and which we have already witnessed.

(c)His invocation was ever-answered:
The supplication of the Prophet, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, for or against anyone was ever answered by Allah, and what he invoked Allah for was graciously responded to. This has come to be known as the principle of sure response.

(d) The books of previous prophets bore the good tidings of his advent:
This is an independent evidence of the authenticity of the prophet hood of Muhammad, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, and a mark of his messenger ship. It is an evidence in which the only evidence applies to the only referent. That is why, by the help of Allah, this matter will be dealt with in some detail, and also some of these good tidings will be mentioned.