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Sayings (Hadiths) of Prophet Muhammad

About the husband’s right on his wife

1- Narrated Ibn Omar:I heard Allah Messenger saying: all of you are guardians and responsible for your wards and the things under your care. The Imam (ruler) is the guardians of his subjects and is responsible of them. A man is the guardians of his family and is responsible of them. A woman is the guardians of her husband’s house and is responsible of it. A servant is the guardians of his master’s belongings and is responsible of them. (I thought that Ibn Omar said: I think the prophet also said : a man is the guardians of his father` s property and is responsible of it. All of you are guardians and responsible for your wards and the things under your care. )

2- Narrated Mo`az Ibn Jabel: the prophet said : there is no women that does harm to her husband in his life except that his wife of the bright-eyed damsels/the dark-eyed damsels of the paradise said: do not do harm to him. He is merely a guest with you and he is about to part from you to us.